Thursday, December 15, 2011

Muse-Design and publish HTML websites without writing code!

Adobe now launched its fantastic application called Muse,even it still a beta version (version 5 now available), but after check out it's feature, still attract me to give a try.
Videos of introducing MUSC 

Released as a preview or early beta, Adobe Muse is a code-free tool for building websites. Muse uses a drag-and-drop interface to make it possible to construct a site’s entire architecture, build and design pages and add rich content without having to know any HTML, CSS or JavaScript. 

Create websites as easily as you create layouts for print. Design and publish HTML pages to the latest web standards without writing code. With easy-to-use master pages, built-in tools for interactivity and more, Muse makes it a snap to produce distinctive, professional websites.

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