Thursday, December 15, 2011

Muse-Design and publish HTML websites without writing code!

Adobe now launched its fantastic application called Muse,even it still a beta version (version 5 now available), but after check out it's feature, still attract me to give a try.
Videos of introducing MUSC 

Released as a preview or early beta, Adobe Muse is a code-free tool for building websites. Muse uses a drag-and-drop interface to make it possible to construct a site’s entire architecture, build and design pages and add rich content without having to know any HTML, CSS or JavaScript. 

Create websites as easily as you create layouts for print. Design and publish HTML pages to the latest web standards without writing code. With easy-to-use master pages, built-in tools for interactivity and more, Muse makes it a snap to produce distinctive, professional websites.

Chinese typography

About The Puti Trees
Dating back almost 1500 years ago, these two poems are quoted from the original Zen classic, The Platform Sutra of the Sixth Patriarch and distinguish differences in creativity between master (Shen Xiu) and apprentice (Hui Neng). The same classical verse can have vastly different conceptions. The second stanza is better equipped to embody (more suitably embodies) the Zen frame of mind in addition to have been more widely circulated.

As every person’s understanding of Zen is a bit different, I’d like to offer my understanding:

1.) each person’s body is a tree of wisdom, every person’s soul is a mirror of brightness (‘the light’). It is important to carefully take care of this light in order to maintain a state of purity versus one of fallen dust.

2.) perhaps the tree of wisdom does not even exist; perhaps brightness (‘the light’) is not a mirror. Actually, if nothing exists, how then might we have dust?

there is no buddhist tree at all...
and there is bright mirror nor...
now there is nothing at all...

how could be dust any more.

via NOD

There is my understanding of the poerty:
Here the "tree" is not literally a tree,PU TI (duddhist tree) means inner peace and wisdom of a person, and the mirror is not actually mirror, it means awareness and mood, therefore, so called "tree" and "mirror" actually not even exist, how then might we have dust? if we already have inner peace and wisdom, have awareness of life and a peaceful mood, then how might we have dust?
Back to the topic of Chinese typography, I think this is an appropriate typeface design for the content. The typeface compose modernity with tradition togeher, use of leaf shape to meet the content, the use of light color and overlying different color convey a kind of spirituality.

Wednesday, December 14, 2011


Two internationally beloved classics finally meet: Helveticards, designed by Ryan Myers, are playing cards endowed with the irresistible modern minimalism of Helvetica, the world’s most popular typeface. This standard 52-card deck has style in spades—even a game of solitaire sounds much sexier now.--(via)

Modernist typography design, also very practical, the large size of number as well as the layout design, use of color ,simple and clear, easy on the eyes.

Japanese typography

Japanese designer Masaaki Hiromura combined Japanese typography (Kanji) with symbols.

"I always think about ‘how information is conveyed’ rather than ‘how to convey information’. The most important thing to achieve is not expression but to find out essence. I want to continue thinking about the relationship between information and people. The ideal signage system is the one which doesn’t need any signs, I wish it could access one’s brain directly", Massaki Hiromura said.

The redesigned words communicate the idea of the word, without a need for its readers to understand Japanese—making the words recognizable to both Japanese and non-Japanese speakers.

On the go with QR code

As technology advances rapidly and continues to influence our lifestyles, QR Codes become more and more useful and almost everywhere. Is this a way of visual communication? I think the answer is a "yes".

I found some interesting examples below:

Does a Jeans advertising has to includ a Jean image?

QR code X'mas wrapping paper!! Difficult to decide what gift to buy? scan the codes on these wrapping paper you may get some ideas.

A Christmas tree that's ten metres high and made completely out of Lego bricks has been unveiled at St Pancras railway statiom,UK.
Even more, how does it change our life style.

Tesco innovates how people shop through their Homeplus Subway Virtual Store by useing QR bar codes to purchase items from your phone to be delivered to your home.

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Hollywood moive poster

When I doing research for my movie poster assignement, I noticed that many movie posters looks familiar, even I never heared about them.

Hollywood film industry good at producing commercial movies, those commerical movies always have many in common, as well as the movie posters, we may already noticed that, Hollywood have their own mode, let's give a summary of them, if we can found some inspiration?? or not.


Marcos sobral--strange paradox
Winter, midnight fifth avenue, the potographer catched the moment of lonelyness and coldness in crowd. 

Kinetic Typography

"Kinetic typography—the technical name for "moving text"—is an animation technique mixing motion and text to express ideas using video animation. This text is presented over time in a manner intended to convey or evoke a particular idea or emotion. "--Wikipidea

I found the technic called "Kinetic typography" is a really effective and interesting way to express emotion by using typography in animation. I have saw this technic using in movie credits, I found it's lively and fascinating.

They are uselly usually no scenes included, but only audio and moving text, however, a good kinetic typography animation which use appropiate fonts and motion still convey a strong mood and feeling to viewer, Certain fonts can brought out certain emotion, the size and color of text plays a part of emphasis, combine with moving text and audio, viwer would have an immersed sense.
I have seen FIGHT CLUB many times, after I watch this clip, I found the method remarkably effective at creating a "you-are-there" feel.

chamical Burn-Fight Club

Friday, December 9, 2011

Hero of Dots

Hero from Miguel Endara on Vimeo.

Human eyes and brain are very interesting, we see millions of black dots, we also see a lifelook face, depends on the ways of seeing.

The "hero", made by Miguel Endara, a drawing of his dad composed entirely out of 3.2 million ink dots and 210 hours work.

For me it is an amazing work,different level of distance, intensity make single insipid dot alive. simple elements such as dot, line, certain shapes are always a base of design. The work "hero",only element Endara use is dot, small, distinct dots of pure color can form an vivid image, those contour, shadow... Never downgrade those simple and small elements, they brought big inspiration.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

shape of sound

‘The Shape of Sound’ is an interactive audio-visual performance by Dead J and Dora.S. They use music as the trigger to dictate the visual transformation. The visual element includes dot, line, surface, triangle, square, sphere and other basic geometric shapes, with the music interaction it brings a swift and fierce audio-visual experience. 

a lovely font from a design magazine

I've found a magazine cover from a Chinese design magazine"设计界”, loved the font of title, the squares and the gaps, for me it's a great font design, its accurately converys the tone of the magazine.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

keeping warm

Winter's coming, physically and mentally getting slow... don't forget keeping yourself warm. 

Interesting daily drawning from Rolfe Bautista I found on G+.

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Qi Pao

The cheongsam play /i.ɒŋˈsæm/[1] is a body-hugging (modified in Shanghai) one-piece Chinese dress for women; the male version is the changshan. It is known in Mandarin Chinese as the qípáo (旗袍; pronounced [t͡ɕʰǐ pʰɑ̌ʊ̯]) Wade-Giles ch'i-p'ao, and is also known in English as a mandarin gown. The stylish and often tight-fitting cheongsam or qipao (chipao) that is most often associated with today was created in the 1920s in Shanghai and was made fashionable by socialites and upperclass women.[2] 
defination from wikipedia.

Searching and gathering information for my "hero" assignment, stray from the point as usual... found this image accidentally, adore it! such a nice dress, beautiful colour,!! For me it's not only a dress, it's also means a period of history, means 20s of China, the golden age of Shanghai,means a lot more...

Tuesday, October 25, 2011


This is a practice I did for typography poster. I tried using mask tool in Photoshop to create a reflection effect.

Words behind images

Public-interest adverting are always a good example of visual communication. I found two smashing images when I looking for wallpapers for my ipod, those 2 images delivery serious information without any words as many public-interest ads does. Sometimes images can beyond any words.

----smoke burning your brain

Words behind images

 Public-interest adverting are always a good example of visual communication. I found two smashing images when I looking for wallpapers for my ipod, those 2 images delivery serious information without any words as many public-interest ads does. Sometimes images can beyond any words.

------Life Belt

inspiration 2

some other inspirational images I found on today's class, SPEAKER could be one of the element in my typography poster.
The combination of words, layers and lights accord with the theme--"dance music"(electronic)

The images above gives a sence of depth and speed, somehow same as the feeling electranic music gives us. It also looks like a speaker.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011


Today I grab a magazine I bought almost 4 month ago from China, there is an article about Japanese artist Tatsuo Miyajimaan's exhibiton, called "Warp Time with Warp Self", he used massive L.E.D., Mirror, Steel, Electric wire to show his understanding of life circle, his work gave me an inspiration for my poster, the lights and the reflection, also the LED, all those elements I may use in my "dance music poster" .(more specific, "electronic music".)


Text tool practice

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Sunday, October 2, 2011


It is a men's clothing brand "Arrow"display in Arnotts shopping centre, I like it because of the arrows visually go through the glass wall, simply by using suckers, the display delivery the brand identity to the people passing by, and successfully to attracted attentions.

From "Great wave at kanagawa" to Ukiyo-e art

The raw power of nature has always been inspiration for artists, one of the outstanding figures of the Japan Ukiyo-e art, the "Great wave at kanagawa" by Hokusai is a good example. I feel fascinating after seeing this picture in the lecture.

In this picture, the Mount Fuji suddenly looks way small than the way it was when compare to the billowing waves. And the boat and fishermen beneath the wave, what are they looking for? maybe another boat? just outside the picture?or looking for help?

What Hokusai want to show us through the wave? I see not only the extram over turning pyramidal wave and the great power of nature but also something else. The wave coming up and starte to break on the top , right on the edge of chaos. so it may not only as representation of natural world, and it may also as representation of humen, inside of humen being. sometimes we got lost in the middle of chaos, or feel like in the edge of breaking down, we looking for the way out, or looking for someone to help with...

The "Great wave" had made a great impact on impressionism and post-impressionism in the west.The picture full of mistry and contradiction . Bring us a new understanding of the world.